Friday, April 28, 2006

Great Article About Energy from

Click the link below for more solid commentary on energy, business and our government's role.
Congress is to blame for our problems not the energy companies and the President needs to get out in front of this issue and start to educate some in congress and the American people.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Are You Kidding Me? - Dems, Repubs & Oil!

One hundred dollars....are you kidding me? Who in Washington D.C. really thinks that forcing the oil companies to hand out a $100 check for so-called price gouging compensation is going to do anything. The loonacy has got to stop!

Take my $100 dollars and give it to Ford or GM for R&D reimbursement and tell them to get me a hydrogen fuel cell or a car that runs efficiently on ethanol. One hundred dollars, no thank you and I'm voting you out of office on general principal....dems and republicans alike!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Presidents Oil Slick - Stop the Spin!

So oils up to 71 dollars a barrel and the economic know nothings that call themselves congressmen and senators are screaming for the Pres to do something about it! The problem is these dimwits and blowhards know nothing about our free market economy and how it really works. Sure the oil conglomerates have made a very healthy profit over recent years but that doesn't mean they should be burdened with a windfall profits tax. What about all the years that they lost money because oil was so cheap? Do they get a refund from the previous years when they did pay taxes? No! So why should they pay extra taxes now. The politicians on both sides of the isle say they should give some money back to the American consumer, but it won't come to me or you. If we the people allow them to fleece these corporations we'll never see a dime! They'll take the money and spend it on pet projects and giveaways to get themselves reelected.

Don't get me wrong, I'm mad at congress but I'm also mad at the President. First President Bush should have explained to the public how the system really works! Nothing he said in his speech will affect gas prices and there is nothing he can do to lower prices accept remove the state and federal taxes on gas. Just a side note here, if you look at what the gas companies profit on a gallon of gas it's only about fifteen cents per, however the taxes on gas are completely different story. Gasoline taxes are more than forty five cents per gallon!

Time for The Real Deal analysis of the day. Stop pandering to the know-nothings and start educated them about how our economy works and why the gas prices are so high.

1. There's a war in the area where most of the oil to make gas comes from....duh! This creates instability and higher prices.
2. There is a shortage of crude because demand has climbs as third world countries become more advanced and begin to use more internal combustion engines....not to mention what our growth has done to consumption of oil based products. Add in the war and and the fact that we (the USA) haven't tapped our own resources, Anwar, the Gulf of Mexico, other 'protected' wilderness areas and you've got a major shortgage. Make a choice; its low oil prices or protected wilderness, as a general rule you can have both? If you expect both, you may be a hypocrite.
3. No new refineries. Demand has jumped over the past decade and not one new refinery has been constructed in the contiguous 48. Why? See last part of point #2 above.

Here's a solution. Take some of that hard earned money we give the government for fuel taxes and income taxes and direct it towards meaningful tax relief for those that buy hybrids. Also direct R&D money to companies that are the first to develop inexpensive, mass produced hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. I'm talking about real tax relief. Say $10,000 off your tax debt. I'm talking about the amount you owe, not off your income to lower you lower tax bracket. Real money like that would create a consumer stampede to the car dealerships. Second give R&D reimbursement in the form of real money to the companies that hit a targeted deadline for roll-out of a truly new technology that changes the way automobiles are powered. Make the reward so great that venture capital in the billions would want the return and couldn't stand to ignore it as a solid investment. That solves that problem....Next! ;-)

Monday, April 24, 2006

Fair Tax - Reason You Haven't Thought Of!

I like the fair tax and its not for the reasons that everyone else does. Sure it will do away with the cumbersome paperwork and the deadlines. It may even help small business owners focus on their business more rather than on how they are going to keep up with the mountain of paperwork they have to fill out just because they hired an employee. But for me its not these things that I see it doing. I don't know if it will really create a more robust economy and I'm not sure it will create a better situation for the poor through an increase in government efficiency allowing us to support our welfare programs. I'm not even sure that is will help us reduce the national debt as some have suggested.

The fair tax.....also known as a consumption tax....will force our politicians to focus on something besides taxation. They won't be able to claim that they are going to stick it to the rich to give to the poor, make people pay their fair share or promise tax cuts and then argue over whether they should be permanent or not! Geez, if I hear that one again I think I'll explode. No, these good for nothing nare-do-wells will have to focus on real issues. If you're beef is the environment, well, without the tax issue to beat up the pols will have to focus on solving that problem. If your issue is education, again the politicians won't be able to get off the subject by talking about the money they can steal from the American public through a tax increase. The creaton's in D.C. will be forced to begin solving real problems like energy and finding a cheaper more abundant source than oil.

It's time for the Fair Tax but not for the reasons most are saying. It goes deeper and it may be the solution to the class welfare that the political whores seem to fall back on every election cycle. What do you think?

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Random Thoughts

As oil approaches ever higher levels and everyone blames Bush and republicans for high energy prices has anyone stopped to think? Higher oil prices make alternative fuels research more attractive and get more consumers interested in using alternative modes of transportation. The high price of oil actually helps us move towards ethanol, clean diesel and even hydrogen powered engines. The longer oil stays at high levels the sooner the entrepreneurs and great thinkers of our time and our nation will find efficient, inexpensive alternative energy sources.

I think its time to look at drilling in the far reaches of Anwar and in the depths of the Gulf of Mexico. It's also time to give incentives to those that develop and buy cars that use hybrid technologies and alternative fuels. Hydrogen powered vehicles are very close to being ready for the mass market, all they need a little push. An influx of R&D money to finish the job! Let's get our government to throw some of our hard earned tax dollars at the innovative companies that are developing this world changing technologies and stop our dependence on foreign oil.

That's my random thought for today......

Friday, April 21, 2006

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Atlas Shrugged is one of the most phenomenal books in print. Written and published in a bygone era, it is amazing how the insights of the author, Ayn Rand, fit in today's highly charged political environment. It is the classic struggle between the achievers and the underachievers. Some may read the book and think that it is an argument for the haves and an indictment of the have nots, but it is not. When read objectively and with an open mind one will receive insight in how to achieve greatness and how the struggle to achieve requires sacrifice.

Great things are accomplished by men and women only when they pursue a passion and only when they have the ability and sometimes the stubbornness needed to overcome the road blocks that society inevitably puts in the way. Ayn Rand has captured in writing a timeless struggle that is both entertaining and educating! It's a great read and I recommend it to anyone who may be becoming discouraged with the current political discourse of our times and with the road blocks that government puts in the way of entrepreneurs.