Saturday, January 31, 2009

Porked Again!

While the President lectures America's CEO's about excessive pay and the Vice Pres plays buddy-buddy with Al Gore, the Democratically controlled Congress voted to hand $93,000 to each and every member!

So the earmarking will stop under the Obama administration, right? Of course that's unless you take into consideration that the $800 billion stimulus is nothing but one HUGE earmark!

Now the Dems have found a new way around future earmarks, you need only look at their most recent actions. They just gave themselves $93,000 per congressman as pocket change.

It's being sold to us as 'a necessary increase to help out constituents'. Bull Sh%#! It's an earmark without being an earmark!

It has been intimated by the Vice President that its patriotic to pay taxes. It has been suggested by Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi that we all have to tighten our belts. So tell me something, why don't the politicians have to tighten theirs?

I thought we were going to get some leadership out of the Obama administration. Turns out we're all just getting Porked Again!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Here Today but Tomorrow? Not so much!

So the stimulus package is here! Yeah! The Dems are here to save the day. They intend to dump $800 billion dollars into the economy! That should get things moving again!

What? What do you mean only 3% of that money will make it into the economy over the next 18 months. Huh? How come 25% of the money isn't spent until 11 YEARS from now?

I'll tell you why, because ramming this particular spending package (notice I didn't call it a stimulus) through is nothing more than an attempt to create bigger government programs well into the future. This idea is as bad as the idea to stop charging payroll taxes on people making less than $50,000 per year.

You haven't heard much about how the tax break works because its a really, really bad idea as well. We all know that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are underfunded and virtually insolvent. We also know that the 'payroll' tax is what supposedly funds them.

So what's our solution to the problem? To have even less money come in to fund these programs? What?

We need a new program in America. We need to change this economy from a 'spending' economy to a 'savings' economy. We can't do that if the government keeps spending, spending and spending some more.

Taking away the payroll tax for some and not all is not the right step. The right step is scrapping the entire income tax system all together. Change our system to a consumption tax.

With a consumption tax, like the Fair Tax, every time someone buys something the government gets paid. Think about all those illegal aliens that burden our hospitals and school systems.

They would not be under the 'tax radar' anymore. They buy food, they pay tax. They buy gas, they pay tax. Heck, they buy anything, they pay a tax!

Our poorer citizens, you know the real Americans ....the ones that were born here or did the right thing and did what was necessary to stay here legally... those people would get a card to rebate them for the tax they paid!

That would transform our economy from spenders to savers! What's so wrong with that. There are many excuses why it can't be done, but those excuses are mostly made by politicians that would lose power and be forced to come up with REAL solutions to REAL problems.

Let's force the politicians to stop pitting us against each other based on whose wealthy and whose not and lets stop electing our politicians based on who will tax you less or who will rape the rich! It's time for a paradigm shift in the way we operate. Stop spending and save!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

To Big To Fail

There is a huge problem right now and it's about to cost the American economy even more money! It is the concept of 'to big to fail.'

That's what was said about Chrysler back in the late 80's when they received their first bailout in the form of a loan from the federal tax payer. That's what happened with the Savings & Loan bailout that created the Resolution Trust Corporation.

To big to fail? Didn't we learn our lesson? Now we're at it again. Banks that are to big to fail! The problem was the repeal Glass-Steagall Act and Clinton's signing of Grahm, Leach, Bliley which deregulated the banks, securities and insurance companies allowing them to compete with each other and even combine operations.

Now CitiGroup is 'un'grouping and Bank of America (who thought it would be a good idea to swallow up Countrywide Home Loans) is getting another infusion of capital from the Feds. We're talking tens of billions of dollars of our money!

Well, as I think about it, I guess it isn't our money yet. From what I understand the Feds have the printing press ramped up and ROLLING! The green stuffs flying off the presses faster than lemmings over a cliff! (excuse the obscure reference to a 1980's arcade game, but you know, I'm olde! LOL)

The point here is that we keep buying into this to big to fail concept. Now we're creating a situation where our debt is escalating from an already unfathomable high amount and the dilution of our currency may some day create hyper inflation!

It has to stop! Yes, there will be some pain. We have to remember that we have bankruptcy laws for a reason. It's so businesses can restructure.

The bottom line is that we need to restructure our entire economy. We need to change from a spending economy to a savings economy and the only way to do that is to leave this 'to big to fail' concept in the trash heap and change our tax system from an income tax to an embedded consumption tax like the Fair Tax.

I mean, what are we thinking? Do we believe the World will look at America and decide that we are to big to fail? Doubtful, they'll cheer while they watch our collapse. Time to wake up before we reach the point of no return. The we really do fail.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Taxes Must Be Voluntary?

Timothy Geithner is approved or as the next Sec. Tres. Who is Geithner? If you believe what many senators and congressmen and women have said about him, he's one of the most important appointees to be considered since the Carter Administration!

Geithner's resume is long and distinguished and it's true that he's not dolt. You don't get to be the President of the New York Region Federal Reserve without having some solid smarts!

But here's my problem. Mr. Geithner has had some tax problems, as in, he didn't pay them. That's right, he 'avoid' paying some taxes through an accounting error.

When pressured about how he managed to miss calculate his tax liability to the tune of more the $40,000, Mr Geitner was more than disingenuous. He blamed the mistake on the fact that he uses Turbo Tax to calculate his return and 'the program' must have missed something.

Here's the interesting thing, the mainstream media gave him a pass. His lofty stature and humongous brain are just to important to America in this critical time. So much for objectivity int he news media.

My problem with this entire situation is not that he miscalculated his tax burden by more money than many people make in a years time, my problem is with the nonchalance he displayed in dealing with the issue. I have a real problem with this 'big brain' not being able to figure out his taxes or at least being smart enough to understand that NONE of us can figure them out and that's why we have to pay others to do it for us!

Let's up their correct, let's hope his 'big brain' can get us out of this economic mess and the country moving again!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Exit Stage Right

For those of you who are part of the baby boom crowd you may remember Hanna Barbara's Snagglepuss cartoon. I used to love it when he would do something to get in trouble and say; "Exit! State Right!" and pewang! He was off the screen.

For some reason that memory makes me laugh. It reminds of a simple time in my life. It reminds me of when I was safe and didn't have to worry about anything.

As one president takes office another has 'exited, stage right'. To him our nation owes a debt of gratitude. Those of you who scoff at this comment and who laughed at V.P Dick Cheney in a wheel chair because he hurt his back moving boxes, I say grow up!

To those who booed the President Bush as he arrived at the inauguration ceremony and to those who joked and laughed about him on National T.V. (supposed objective journalist), I say grow up! You think you are being patriotic but your unprofessional and childish displays only prove your lack of objectivity.

I will concede that he was not the best President where the economy is concerned, however, we have not had a single attack on American soil since the horrific 9/11 attacks. He has taken the fight to an enemy that has attacked our nation for years and he has injured that enemy greatly.

So I say to President Bush and Vice President Cheney, THANK YOU! Our nation is safer because of your unwavering principles and because of your steadfast dedication to eradicating evil threats to keep this nation safe!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama in One Word... Amazing!

I am proud to be an American today! I proud for many reasons, to many to be able to list here today. Our new President has been inaugurated!

His speech was inspiring. He is one of the best orator since John Kennedy. His clear and concise message was one of hope for everyone in our country.

His message to the world was one of stern warning tempered with hope to help the worlds less privileged.

I loved our 43rd President. I admired his principled nature and the way that he did not waiver in his undying devotion to keep our nation safe.

No matter how much you hate President Bush, if you are truly honest, you cannot deny that our nation is safer today because of his willingness to have his name sullied while he did what he thought was right. But his time has come and gone and it now a new day and a new time.

Change is upon us and that change appears hopeful. All Americans should be proud today and everyone should put their differences aside and pray for the success of our new leader!

Monday, January 19, 2009

A Tribute to a King

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

In our nations great history, we started out with these words emblazoned on a piece of parchment. Our forefathers boldly presented this document, the Declaration of Independence to a despot that enslaved through high taxation and a self proclaimed 'divine right' to rule.

While our country was born on this proclamation, it's dream was never realized by all who lived on American soil. Many peoples were burdened with a very real slavery that was hidden from the light by the guise of States Rights.

This contradiction would be partly solved by a great man who would become president, Abraham Lincoln. Yet even the War between the States (the civil war) could not fully resolve the inequality that slavery in America had caused.

It would not be until many, many years later that a man would come along that could so capture a world with his message that we would all stand up and take notice. With his Christian teachings, his Gandhi type insistence on non-violent protest and his spell binding oratory, Doctor King inspired a nation to recognize a heinous truth.

As a nation we were forced to recognize our prejudice. Doctor King died for his cause, martyred by a mad man, but his legacy lives on. Today we honor a King, Doctor Martin Luther King.

Tomorrow, 46 years from his great speech in Washington, we honor his legacy as we inaugurate the first black man to become president of this once prejudice and dividend nation.

Even with all the economic problems and the anger and divisiveness and strife around the world; Today, on this very special day, I am proud to be an American!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Tax Cuts For the Rich? Oh No!

That's right, you heard me, tax cuts are coming ... or continuing .... depending on who you are listening to. The Obama administration has signaled that tax hikes are definitely off the table and that tax cuts may actually be needed to get this economy moving again.

Amazing isn't it? Looks like our new President is a very savvy politician and a pretty bright guy. We were all worried that his Tax the Rich mantra during the campaign would ruin the country.

As it turns out, it may have been a ploy to keep his liberal/socialist base pumped up and headed to the polls. When in reality he has had a mindset to rule as a centrist all a long.

The thing I love here is that even a democrat is acknowledging that lower taxes stimulates the economy and creates growth. But while they talk about the need to lower the taxes to get things moving again, they still signal that taxes will need to be raised in a couple of years.

The argument is that spending cuts alone will not be enough to stem the tide of a rising deficit. I say hog wash! Spending cuts alone stemmed the tide of rising deficits in my household. Was it painful? You betcha! Was it necessary? Damn straight!

According to an article on, tax stimulus that give tax payers $500 at a time doesn't stimulate the economy because we (the consumer) just put that money in the bank as savings. However, lower tax rates that can add $10-$20 per week to a paycheck add just enough money that it doesn't get saved and increases consumer spending.

So here we go again! Spend, Spend, Spend! Note in the article that 'saving is bad'. The implied message is that spending is good. However, in that very same article some economist state that saving IS good and we should encourage it.

In the end, even though there is a glimmer of hope that someone in D.C. 'gets it', it appears that the inmates still run the asylum .... So, I'm going to save, save, save and hope that these idiots finally get a clue. Until then, watch your wallets, their safe for now, but at some point the government is coming and they will force you to give them your last thin dime!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Reality Mirrors Fiction - A Political Nightmare

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal references one of the best libertarian books of all time. The book was written by Ayn Rand who immigrated to the U.S. from Russia in the early 1950's.

Rand's book, Atlas Shrugged, is reviled by liberals and revered by every non-liberal that reads it. The book poses a simple hypothesis. What happens to society when government attempts to control the markets?

Throughout the book those that are successful continue to produce. They find ways around the government barriers set up to 'level' the playing field. The world is divided into the producer and two other categories.
The other groups are those that do nothing and those that identify opportunity to use the government rules as a tool to line their own pockets. (Sounds eerily familiar, it's just like what is going on with our government and economy today doesn't it.)

Ayn Rand used her unique insight and experience from communist Russia to build a captivating and realistic story of what happens when governments attempt to control incomes and what happens when the producers and innovators in society finally give up and throw in the towel.

This book is no easy read. At over 1,000 pages most people will not even attempt to read it. However, when surveyed, a majority of people who have read it said it was one of the most influential books in their lives. It rated second only to the bible.

I would posit that it should be mandatory reading for every high school senior prior to graduation! If you haven't read the book I encourage you to do so.

If you aren't going to read under any circumstance I implore you to at least read the great Wall Street Journal commentary about the book. Here is the link to the WSF article:

Friday, January 09, 2009

Let's Be Frank

Al Franken is the winner? The man with the a 34% approval rating the day of the election and the man with just a 28% poll numbers today is being certified as a new senator?

It appears that our politicians have now perfected the legal technique of sueing for election. It started long ago in the hot bed of politcal corruption that is Chicago politics.

Sueing for election was taken to new hieghts by Al Gore in the 2000 presidential election, then again by John Kerry in 2004. It appears that the lessons learned about how to count hanging chads and how to 'locate' those lost and uncounted votes has been perfected.

Norm Coleman had a 225 vote victory out over 3,000,000 votes. This proves that EVERY vote counts .... But wait .... with the new system of suing for election every vote may not count anymore, some votes may actually count twice!

Reports show that some votes may have been counted twice for Al Franken while legitimate votes for Coleman were tossed by high priced, high power attorneys hired from seed money given to the Franken campaign from George Soros and Hollywood elites.

As a matter of fact, more than 25% of Frankens campaign coffers were filled with funds flowing from out of state sources. Some reports show that a lot of his fund raising was done in California... Draw your own conlusion from that.

Here's what I think: The electorate doesn't count any more. Everyone might as well skip the election. Let's just let anyone that wants to be a senator go out and hire a legal team and then the person with the shiftiest attorney that can manipulate the law and the judges wins.

At least I'll get to sleep in on election day! What a farse!