Monday, September 17, 2007

Greenspan Won't Leave the Spotlight

Alan Greenspan did a great job for the economy as head of the Fed and even though he is retired from that position, he hasn't left the spotlight. His commentary still holds great sway over the markets. While Mr. Bernanke plods his way forward and attempst to deal with the dual problems of rising interest rates and rising inflation, it will be interesting to see if he follows his seemingly Greenspan style ways......

Stay tuned....

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Back to Rand

It never ceases to amaze me how certain philosophers throughout history have been able to nail down characters that seem live for generations. Ayn Rand is one who was able to do just that. Whenever I see Harry Reed on television I can’t help but think of the sniveling, conniving, self interested brother of the main female character in that book. It has been a while since I’ve read Atlas Shrugged and the names of the characters are lost to my memory. However, I do still recall the vibrant portraits of the individuals that Ms. Rand painted so eloquently in words.

Pictures of a wiry, slick intellectual whose comments appear to be of concern for the ‘little’ people but whose words are nothing more than double-speak. Thoughtfully structured press releases and television appearance designed to confuse the masses and to allow for an escape should the political situation change and the position become untenable. Harry Reed is a willow in the wind and while I am no fan of many republicans, Mitt Romney and others, I cannot abide an individual that is so blatant in their hedging on any position and so corrupt as to try to deceive through misstatement of facts.

Hey Harry, get a backbone and really stand up for what you believe in! That’s my thought, I welcome yours.