Thursday, July 31, 2008

Trademarking the word 'Olympic' ??? What?

China is up to new tricks for the Olympics. Lets' forget the fact that the world, in love with this communist nation, is willing to send their athletes to compete in one of the most polluted major cities in the world at the risk of injuring their health.

Forgive the fact that the lake where certain water sport events will be performed is so polluted that the military was called in to clean up a huge algae bloom. Let's not even consider the fact that this nation has some of the most egregious human rights violation in world history.

Now......get this......the Chinese Olympic committee is threatening to sue anyone or any company that uses the word 'Olympics' during the Olympics without their express written permission. So, this communist nation is employing a little good old fashioned capitalism and trying garner a little extra coin for their coffers by licensing the word ..... the word Olympics.

I thought the Olympics was supposed to bring the world together and make us all feel as one and help us to understand each other. Seems the Chinese just see this as a huge money making and publicity gathering event.

I've never agreed with those that have called for boycotts of the games, but you know, that idea is looking better to me know. But of course I'm not all that bright so maybe I'm looking at this all wrong. I guess this means there will be no sand flee Olympics this year. (click the link above to see a news report)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Ladies and gentlemen, Barak has left the continent. This announcement was made at the end of the rock star concert styled event in Germany where Barak Obama spoke to more than 200,000 adoring fans!

Excuse me, but can those people vote in the American election? Don't get me wrong, I'm completely on board with our candidates going over seas to meet with foreign leaders but I am a little miffed when they make a campaign speech to the citizens of a foreign nation.

Is anyone else worried about the throngs of adoring fans from semi-socialist nations who are in love with the man because of his world view and economic policies?

I for one am. I say to those who would raise taxes on anyone, no matter their economic stature; It's not your money.....HANDS OFF! We pay enough in taxes already, it's time for congress to control spending and it's time to change our tax code to the Fair Tax.

To those who'll read this post and think it's another conservative rant, I'm not a conservative. This is a libertarian rant. The government needs to stay out of my wallet and stay out of my bedroom!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Real Deal is now Brains Not Included

For those of you who have read my posts in the past, I've tried to temper them to avoid offending anyone....I wasn't always successful but I tried. Well, things are changing. Even the name is changing. Brains Not Included will post the senseless, nonsensical and utterly insane comments and actions of the many dolts that permeate our society.

I invite you to join with me as we point out the lunacy of our politicians and the Hollywood wanna-be's seeking their 15 minutes of fame. Like Shepard Smith's Daily Brittany segment on Fox nightly news, we will poke fun at society and those who seem to consistently step in their own sh#t every day.

I'll be looking for all of you to help me as we expose the stupidity in the world we live in to make our days a little lighter. And if we can't make it fun all the time, at least we have a place to vent. Look forward to hearing from you all.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Is the Crisis Over?

Wells Fargo posts a better than expected profit and gross revenue number and the street cheers! Add to that the fact that Fannie and Freddie aren't in as dire straights as first believed and the market blasts off!

Are we out of the woods yet? Well hold on, what about oil? The Dems don't want drilling, they want something done about the speculators. Those evil speculators, who do they think they are, profiting off of the high demand and limited supply of such a valued commodity?

This type of thinking proves one of two things. Either the Dems don't really understand the most base economic forces of supply and demand or they are using this crisis as a political football. I think it's the later, but lately I've been a little to cynical .... even for my own liking.

Enter 'W', love him or hate him, he always has a way of coming on stage at the last minute and making Nancy P. and Harry R. et-al look like a bunch of dolts. Dubbya says drill, drill now, drill everywhere, here's your permission slip and bingo, the price of oil begins to drop.

Oil has declined $15 per barrel over the past three days. Guess what, the nasty speculators saw that someone was serious about creating more product to go with all that demand out there and they decided to vacate their positions because in the future there WILL be enough oil.

More supply, price drops. Simple economics. Why didn't we do this three months ago? The Republicans are no better than the Democrats, this issue was a political football.

Hopefully we, the populous, will get smarter and kick all these Cretans out of office and put a new batch in that cares about the country. Naaaahhh, wishful thinking.