Monday, June 22, 2009

Up In Smoke! Picking Winners & Loosers Again...

There is not doubt in my mind that there are winners and losers in every aspect of life and a person’s free will and ability to choose can determine whether they are a winner or a loser. We all have a choice. There is a point when we grow up and we can choose to good or bad, right or wrong, left or right.

I believe that the reason America is so strong is because our government was designed to allow this free will to exist. You can choose good and be rewarded or you can choose poorly and be punished.

That punishment can come in many forms. Some choices mean that you, the individual making the choice, are left out of the social or economic growth experienced by others. For instance, choose to sleep in every day and show up to work late and you’ll be unemployed. Bad!

However, choose to get up early, get to work on time and be productive and you will be rewarded! Good!

Choose to break a law and go to jail, choose to do the right thing and stay out of jail. I think you get my point and here’s where I’m going with all of this. It seems that lately we Americans have lost sight of the fact that allowing a winners and losers to be created in society through free will is much better than having a nanny state determine who the winners and losers are.

Now we seem to applaud the government for their daring efforts to save the banks. We MUST save the auto industry and now we’ve done it again. In an attempt to save people from themselves and their choices we have finally instituted stricter regulations on tobacco products.

An unintended consequence of this regulation is that it will establish one company above all others as the leader in the industry and may solidify them in that position for ever. As a matter of fact, Phillip Morris (the company destined to hold the top spot) actually lobbied FOR the regulation!

So now we have the Government choosing winners and losers again! When does it all stop? If you think this is a good thing then ponder this. What happens when the government decides that the company that competes with the one you work for is more important than yours? What happens when you are on the losing side and you get laid off or see your sales drop so drastically that the company is shut down?

In the end having a government that chooses winners and loser can only lead to ruin. Look at the Soviet Union, Facist/Socialist eras in France and other Eastern European states during the 80’s. Is that what we want America to become? I thing not … and if it does, anyone up for sharing a plane ride to Australia?

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Tom Petty Knew

Song lyrics politics. No I haven’t been drinking this morning, but maybe I should be . Right now is the perfect time for a Bloody Mary and a shot of bourbon.…

I was talkin’ with a friend of mine,
Said a woman had hurt his pride.
Told him that she loved him so,
And turned around and let him go.
Then he said, “You better watch your step”
Or your gonna get hurt yourself
Someone’s gonna tell you lies,
Cut you town to size

Don’t do me like that,
Don’t do me like that,
Baby, baby, baby,
Don’t do me like that.

So, there I was reading the morning news, baffled and befuddled by the seemingly unrelenting hypocrisy that spills form the headlines on a daily basis and then this song popped in my head. Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers are one of my all-time favorite bands so it’s only natural that I could associate the words of this song with the politics of our times.

Imagine you are the narrator in the song, the guy doing the talking and now imagine you are talking with your friends. Let’s say they are ultra conservative and every time you talk to them they warn you about the government and the hypocrisy of our politicians. No replace the ‘woman’ in the lyrics with any government official. Bingo, it’s the perfect warning.

What has me so riled up this time? Well it’s Ben Beranke, the Fed Chairman. I read in the paper today that he is now warning congress and the government that they need to immediately start creating plans to reduce the deficit or we’ll face huge problems down the road.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME! Now he’s saying this crap? What? When he’s been right at the forefront of printing money to buy our own debt essentially the creator of the ‘money for nuthin/’ scheme that has gotten us in the situation.

Talk about hypocrisy! Do these guys forget what they say from day to day? Isn’t Bernanke part of the old Three Stooges (Bush, Paulson & Bernanke) and the new Three Stooges (Obama, Geihtner, Bernanke) that said what we need to do is spend our way out of this recession and then set our government on a course to do just that!

Unbelievable! That’s all I have for you today, just freaking unbelievable.

I was talkin’ with a friend of mine,
Said the politicians had hurt his pride.
Told him that they loved him so,
And then they turned around and let it blow.
Then he said, “You better watch your step”
Or your gonna get hurt yourself
You guys gonna tell you lies,
Government’s power will cut you town to size

Don’t do me like that,
Don’t do me like that,
Obama, Giehtner, Bernanke,
Don’t do me like that…..

At least we still have the music, they can’t take that away can they? Can they? What? Oh Nooooo!