Wednesday, July 22, 2009

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Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Dumb or Smarter Than We Want to Admit?

Sarah is back in the news! You all know Sarah, Sarah Palin, the plain spoken Alaskan that would be Vice President if McCain would have been elected. The women that was interviewed by CNN, Fox and ABC while she was fishing for Salmon over the 4th of July weekend, come on, you know her …the 'Dumb' one that David Letterman, John Mahr and others make fun of ….. right?

Joe Bidden was back in the news! You know Joe, good ole Joe. The one that was an ‘also ran’ until he was picked by Obama to be VP. The one they call the Gaff Master. The one that rode AmTrack all those years and had breakfast ‘every morning’ at place that had been closed for more than 20 years. Yes, that Joe! Good Ole Joe!

Both sides say these people are dumb. Dumb as rocks and noone can seem to understand why they are on the public stage. Watch the bloggers, they tear these people apart. ABC, NBC, et-al rip Sarah Palin apart. “She’s naïve,” “She’s inexperienced,” why…”She didn’t even go to an Ivey League school!”

Then there the bloggers on the other side of the aisle that say Biden doesn’t know when to shut up. They are not sure if he’s honest, or stupid or just to backwards to know when to be honest or play dumb.

Well here’s what I think, and you knew this was coming….

Whether it’s George W Bush (43) or Jesse Ventura (Wrestler that made it to governor), or whether its Al Franken (former comedian turned Senator) or Arnold Schwarzenegger (nuff said), these people are not dumb! So they mispronounce words, have accents or seem to take simpler views of what the media claims are complex problems. So what, maybe they have a different perspective and maybe it’s time we all sat up and listen.

Here’s my proof and my point that they are not stupid. Becoming the Governor of a State in the USA makes you the leader of what amounts to a small country. Some states are in the top 10 economies in the world beating out even advanced nations in Europe.

Becoming number two in line for the presidency is no small task. There is a lot of maneuvering that goes on to obtain that goal and becoming president is an even harder task. Some will argue that it’s other people’s smarts that propel these ‘dummies’ to those levels, but I have to ask, who’s smarter? The one who hired the smart people to perform the appointed task or the people doing the work?

The answer is simple. The one doing the hiring is the smart one. They are smart enough to understand their strengths and leverage them. They are smart enough to understand their weaknesses and hire others to overcome them …. and watch …. in some cases you’ll see they are smart enough to even use their weakness to their own advantage.

I believe these people are smarter than we all know. If you think you are smarter than say Sarah Palin, I challenge you to accomplish what she has. An 86% approval rating for a Governor is virtually unheard of, how smart do you have to be? Pretty damn smart.

As for her recent move to resign as governor, watch, read and learn. It was a smart move. As it turns out, the state of Alaska has an ethics law that is the toughest in the land. Any one can bring an ethics complaint for any reason. Also, it is an ethics violation for an elected official in Alaska to use government time and resources to promote a National agenda that benefits themselves.

(of course the talking heads on TV that 'say' the news don't do any investigative reporting any more so something as simple as this will never be reported!)

That’s why she quit, she was so busy defending frivolous ethics claims and had so many offers to be on the National stage that she HAD to quit. It was a SMART decision and it was an ethical decision. Doubtful that the mainstream media will ever get that.

And there in lies another great point about her intelligence. She’s smart enough to know that the media won't get it and it will keep her in the news. She has manipulated the media from day one and has stayed in the spot light. She even knocked the death of MJ off the front pages for a day!

Palin dumb? Biden dumb? ‘W’ et-al …. Dumb? They don’t mind if you or I think they are because it works to their advantage. How smart is that?!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Up In Smoke! Picking Winners & Loosers Again...

There is not doubt in my mind that there are winners and losers in every aspect of life and a person’s free will and ability to choose can determine whether they are a winner or a loser. We all have a choice. There is a point when we grow up and we can choose to good or bad, right or wrong, left or right.

I believe that the reason America is so strong is because our government was designed to allow this free will to exist. You can choose good and be rewarded or you can choose poorly and be punished.

That punishment can come in many forms. Some choices mean that you, the individual making the choice, are left out of the social or economic growth experienced by others. For instance, choose to sleep in every day and show up to work late and you’ll be unemployed. Bad!

However, choose to get up early, get to work on time and be productive and you will be rewarded! Good!

Choose to break a law and go to jail, choose to do the right thing and stay out of jail. I think you get my point and here’s where I’m going with all of this. It seems that lately we Americans have lost sight of the fact that allowing a winners and losers to be created in society through free will is much better than having a nanny state determine who the winners and losers are.

Now we seem to applaud the government for their daring efforts to save the banks. We MUST save the auto industry and now we’ve done it again. In an attempt to save people from themselves and their choices we have finally instituted stricter regulations on tobacco products.

An unintended consequence of this regulation is that it will establish one company above all others as the leader in the industry and may solidify them in that position for ever. As a matter of fact, Phillip Morris (the company destined to hold the top spot) actually lobbied FOR the regulation!

So now we have the Government choosing winners and losers again! When does it all stop? If you think this is a good thing then ponder this. What happens when the government decides that the company that competes with the one you work for is more important than yours? What happens when you are on the losing side and you get laid off or see your sales drop so drastically that the company is shut down?

In the end having a government that chooses winners and loser can only lead to ruin. Look at the Soviet Union, Facist/Socialist eras in France and other Eastern European states during the 80’s. Is that what we want America to become? I thing not … and if it does, anyone up for sharing a plane ride to Australia?

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Tom Petty Knew

Song lyrics politics. No I haven’t been drinking this morning, but maybe I should be . Right now is the perfect time for a Bloody Mary and a shot of bourbon.…

I was talkin’ with a friend of mine,
Said a woman had hurt his pride.
Told him that she loved him so,
And turned around and let him go.
Then he said, “You better watch your step”
Or your gonna get hurt yourself
Someone’s gonna tell you lies,
Cut you town to size

Don’t do me like that,
Don’t do me like that,
Baby, baby, baby,
Don’t do me like that.

So, there I was reading the morning news, baffled and befuddled by the seemingly unrelenting hypocrisy that spills form the headlines on a daily basis and then this song popped in my head. Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers are one of my all-time favorite bands so it’s only natural that I could associate the words of this song with the politics of our times.

Imagine you are the narrator in the song, the guy doing the talking and now imagine you are talking with your friends. Let’s say they are ultra conservative and every time you talk to them they warn you about the government and the hypocrisy of our politicians. No replace the ‘woman’ in the lyrics with any government official. Bingo, it’s the perfect warning.

What has me so riled up this time? Well it’s Ben Beranke, the Fed Chairman. I read in the paper today that he is now warning congress and the government that they need to immediately start creating plans to reduce the deficit or we’ll face huge problems down the road.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME! Now he’s saying this crap? What? When he’s been right at the forefront of printing money to buy our own debt essentially the creator of the ‘money for nuthin/’ scheme that has gotten us in the situation.

Talk about hypocrisy! Do these guys forget what they say from day to day? Isn’t Bernanke part of the old Three Stooges (Bush, Paulson & Bernanke) and the new Three Stooges (Obama, Geihtner, Bernanke) that said what we need to do is spend our way out of this recession and then set our government on a course to do just that!

Unbelievable! That’s all I have for you today, just freaking unbelievable.

I was talkin’ with a friend of mine,
Said the politicians had hurt his pride.
Told him that they loved him so,
And then they turned around and let it blow.
Then he said, “You better watch your step”
Or your gonna get hurt yourself
You guys gonna tell you lies,
Government’s power will cut you town to size

Don’t do me like that,
Don’t do me like that,
Obama, Giehtner, Bernanke,
Don’t do me like that…..

At least we still have the music, they can’t take that away can they? Can they? What? Oh Nooooo!

Friday, May 29, 2009

The GM Affect

Interest rates have gone haywire the last couple of days. You won’t hear it reported in the media though. Why? Because it would look bad for certain economic positions and actions taken by the current Administration …at least that’s my take on it…

The problem is that the bond markets are upset about the way the Obama Administration has handled the bond holders for Chrysler and fear the same will happen with GM. At the administrations urging, the judge in the Chrysler bankruptcy case forced the bond holder to take on more risk.

Usually bond holders are the first to be protected in a bankruptcy but this time it was other interests that were protected first. (think Unions) The bond holders took a back seat to almost every other concern.

Before you go saying those ‘evil’ bond holders (lenders) deserve it, think about this. Bond holders invest in companies by making loans to them because they are risk adverse. Investing in normal stocks is to risky for these investors. There reason? They are investing money from pension funds and insurance companies. This money needs to be invested in areas with very little volatility and steady returns with low risk to the money. (think about your pension, you want safety right?)

The way these bond holders are being treated is a huge change from how large restructuring like this normally takes place. And this sets a dangerous precedent going forward. So with a bankruptcy from GM looming on the horizon, the bond market got very, very nervous and everyone backed out of the market in one day!

I’m calling this The GM Affect because it was so awful. We saw rates jump 1% in less than 24 hours ….by the way… That is completely unheard of!

Rates have come back down today, but I don’t know how long that will last. Rates jumped up to 5.5% from a low the previous day of 4.5%. Rates today are back down to 5% but no one knows for how long.

With a very scary economic report just out about a 5.7% decline in GDP the first quarter of this year and about companies slashing inventories and jobs (approximately 2,000,000 more jobs lost) I’m not sure how much longer rates can stay this low.

So while the Administration rolls our their latest campaign touting the ‘good’ that the stimulus package has done and while they roll out the parties for the supposed 150,000 jobs that were created, our economy has had the second largest contraction since 1981. (By-the-way, only about $11 million of the $45 Billion that has hit the economy was for worthwhile make- work projects. The rest was for one-time payments for welfare and Medicare and for the extension of unemployment benefits.)

I know that this sounds like political commentary and I apologize because it is truly not meant to be a political view point. I'm commenting on my concern about the numbers The numbers don’t lie, and since they don't lie, then someone or something else is lying. Could that something be the government, maybe both parties? Some will point back to the Bush administration as an excuse to support Obama’s actions. Guess what? Bush was wrong as well!

All the economic tricks and gimmicks being tried today have been attempted before. We did here in the late 70's to early 80's. and it didn't work. Heck countries all around the world have tried what we are doing and they will tell you it doesn’t work.

Call it Keynesian Theory, call it Social Democratization, call it whatever you want but understand this. If it is illegal for you to 'kite' checks to cover your debt, then why do we allow the government to do it? (Kiting a check is when you deposit a check from one of your own checking accounts into another and then from that account back into the original account in a never ending circle just to cover checks that you right elsewhere, at some point it will catch up to you.

So why are we allowing our government to do a thing that we would be put in jail for doing? Because of some ‘theory’? Does this make sense to anyone?

At some point we will not be able to print enough money to buy our own bonds to fund our bloated and bureaucratic government. I’m hoping for the best and preparing for the worst. Here’s a link to a great article with the bad news/good news that can help you make up you own mind.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Contradiction & Accountability

As I watch the swirling controversy over Nancy Pelosi and her constant changing of positions about what she knew about water boarding and other interrogation techniques used on the animals that committed the horrible act on 9/11, I am struck by the level of contradiction in her statements.

Another thing that strikes me as odd is that her colleagues don’t seem to be willing to hold her accountable for her obfuscations. Also, I think it is interesting that many (some in the press even) want to talk about former VP Cheney and attempt to take the focus off of what Speaker Pelosi is doing.

It seems that history has proven one thing time and again. Those who can be defined as Liberal have a close political resemblance to many of the worst actors on the world’s political stage when it comes to double standards.

What I mean here is that those that espouse a belief in conservative values appear to be lambasted for the same hypocrisies committed by those that embrace liberal views. The liberal appears to be able to contradict themselves while avoiding accountability for their hypocrisy.

The Cult of Personality

I’ve come to understand why this is so. I once heard a song by the band Living Color. The song was Cult of Personality and it talked about how ordinary people would blindly follow leaders with dynamic personalities.

What history has shown us is that Dictators, Communist and Socialist use the Cult of Personality to cover their own contradictions and to avoid accountability. They force the populous (you and I) and their political opponents to adhere to one standard while they adhere to another.

This sounds crazy right? But it’s not just the ramblings of a right wing blogger (which I’m not by the way, more of a libertarian/independent thinker type)….anyway, I digress… The way that Liberals use Contradiction and Accountability (or the lack of it as it applies to themselves and application of it as it applies to their political opponents) is spelled out in a strategy written back in the 60’s and 70’s by a political organizer and author named Saul Alinsky.

Rules for Radicals

Alinsky was quite a fellow. His most famous book; Rules for Radicals is basically a play book for causing political change. What is interesting is that the book itself is filled with contradictions, rules for accountability and rules for hiding ones true purpose in order to reach political change.

According to Wikipedia ( ) Alinsky begins his book with this tribute: “From all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins – or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom – Lucifer.” That’s right, his book uses the Devil as one of it’s sources for how to rebel.

Not withstanding any religious beliefs, let’s not go down that slippery slope; let’s say we believe the bible to be a book of mythology. As in intellectual observation, it is odd that this author would choose to emulate the ‘evil’ force rather than use the ‘good’ forces for his examples.

He goes on to say; “Organization for action will now and in the decade ahead center upon America's white middle class. That is where the power is. ... Our rebels have contemptuously rejected the values and the way of life of the middle class. They have stigmatized it as materialistic, decadent, bourgeois, degenerate, imperialistic, war-mongering, brutalized and corrupt. They are right; but we must begin from where we are if we are to build power for change, and the power and the people are in the middle class majority.”

The Middle Class as a Pawn

It’s not hard to miss the hypocrisy here. Essentially what Alinsky is saying is that he doesn’t like the middle class. However, the political power lies with these masses and if the rebels want to succeed, then the middle classes must be convinced to align with the rebels.

The reference to ‘our rebels’ is to the rebels that have brought about populist social justice themes and are adherents to socialist democracies or so-called Democratic Socialism which in and of itself is another contradiction in terms. How can one have a Democracy aligned with Socialism, it doesn’t work…

Alinsky also felt that the Liberalism of his time was a farce. He saw that movement as docile and weak. His goal was to radicalize the movement in order to bring about his definition of social change ….Socialism…

Examples of his Words in Action

When we look around the world and delve into mankind’s history we see the works and words of Alinsky in practice. Some practiced his words before he even wrote them. Just look at the movements headed by Stalin, Hitler, Mao Tse-tung. Some practiced his words even while he wrote them, look at Ches Guevara, Castro, Qaddafi, Pol Pot and some practice his words today. Just look at Kim Jong-il, Chavez and other Socialist Dictators.

Now comes the billion dollar statement, the one that will get me in a huge amount of trouble with many who read my blogs. The power structures that currently run the Democrat party were educated in the principles of Alinsky and while they may not actively refer to the writings of Alinsky, they instinctively use his teachings to control the political spectrum whether they realize it or not.

Proof is All Around Us

My proof is evidenced in the way that Contradictions and Accountability are handled by many Liberals and some in the media. There is one standard for those perceived to be Liberal and a completely different standard for those perceived to be anything else.

Right or wrong is not the question here, the facts are the facts and they are visible for anyone who chooses to ‘un-bias’ themselves so that they can see clearly. The truth is that Liberalism today has been hijacked by the activist-rebellious-Socialist of the late 60’s and early 70’s and the truth is that they despise the middle class and look down upon them.

The elites who head the Democrat party see their continuants as dupes and morons. They revel in the realization that they (the leaders of the party) have finally learned how to control this vast and powerful middle class bastion and now the party will use this control to completely change the face of America.

So what are you? A dupe and a moron? Or are you a free thinker, an independent citizen? How do you view your own contradictions and how do you hold yourself accountable. Shouldn’t our politicians be held to the same standards we hold ourselves?

Alinsky didn’t think so. Contradictions were to be used to frame debate in a way that would not allow for rebutal and Accountability was to be used as a club to bludgeon opponents with, requiring them to hold fast to a standard which nobody could meet.

Think about it… and while you do, here’s a short list of the current day politicians that learned and actively used Alinsky’s teachings to organize communities and run campaigns.
Obama; Clinton (Hillary); Carville; (there are others, simply watch their actions and see how they deal with Contradictions and Accountability). Can we add Pelosi and Reid to the bunch? I don’t think that would be a stretch.

These are not the ramblings of a right-wing zealot, moreover they are the thoughts and research of a center-right realist. After you’ve done the research, I’d love not know your thoughts. Respectfully, thank you for reading.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

In Wonderland

Sometimes when I watch the news I feel as if I’m Alice and I just fell through the rabbit hole.

As I arrived home from another stressful day of barely scratching out a living and working 12-14 hour days just to do it, I was greeted with our President and Secretary “Dodgy The Tax Dodger” Geihtner announcing a new corporate tax program.

As I watched …in disbelief I might add… Secretary Geihtner actually had the gall to admonish corporations who use LEGAL tax loopholes to lower their taxes. He then had the unmitigated nerve to state that the new law would give government the ability to collect back taxes owed by these corporations and wealthy individuals.

Now wait just one cotton pickin’ minute! Is this the same guy that didn’t pay his fair share until he was caught? Isn’t this the same guy that didn’t pay all of his back taxes owed because the statutes of limitation had run out on some of it?

Do we really live in a world where the Sec. Treasury who is supposedly the ‘brightest financial mind’ of our nation can’t even use Turbo Tax to properly file his taxes but is the one lecturing others on the tax responsibilities? Will the hypocrisy never end?

Making American Companies Less Competitive

But let’s look beyond the hypocrisy to the stupidity. While this idea seems to be a good one on its surface and will play well with the ‘class warfare’ types, you know the ones that want to crush the rich and curse the evil corporations, the whole thing will never work.

Here’s why. The rework of the tax code is supposed to ‘punish’ corporations that ship jobs over seas and ‘reward’ companies that create jobs at home. However the tax rate on corporations in our country is confiscatory. We have one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world.

Companies will just choose to move their operations completely out of the U.S. rather than be subjected to further government interference. On top of the regulations on CEO pay and other socialistic policies, more capital and more companies will leave our shores not stay here!

We Pay Anyway

But that’s not the real point is it? In my usual fashion I’d like to take the conversation to where it belongs and it’s a direction that you are not likely to hear from any normal news cast.

No matter how much corporation is taxed they never pay it. The cost of the tax is just reflected in the retail cost of the goods when they are brought to market. That’s right; we pay the tax, not the corporation.
Higher taxes and tightening loopholes will only lead to more companies leaving our shores. It will lead to less jobs here and it will lead to higher prices on everything. We pay anyway.

Evil Corporations!

Now I know that many of you know that I am self employed and as such I am ‘part of the problem’ in this country. After all, I don’t conform, I’m ambitious, I work hard and I’m independent. You can’t fit me a box so I must be ‘dealt’ with.

That’s right, I’m a CEO and I own an evil corporation. But I’d like to say something here. As a dumb hick from the Southside of Atlanta with a high school education, I’ve worked hard. I’ve taught myself and I’ve put a lot of sweat into what I do.

Over the past two years I’ve endured a huge amount of sacrifice and worked 60, 70 and 80 hour weeks without earning a single dime! I’m barely holding on, but I’m holding on. And when things turn around I deserve to make an unlimited amount of money because of my sacrifice. Who has the right to tell me otherwise?

The IRS and The Hospital

Well it seems that the IRS has the right to tell me otherwise. After years of paying my taxes on time, paying 7.5% of other peoples taxes (BTW – that’s what employers do, they pay 7.5% of someone’s wages to the Federal government for the privilege of having an employee, oh yeah, and don’t forget the additional 15% we pay on ourselves. Sound crazy? It is!)

….sorry, I digress…. I received a letter form the IRS saying that I owed back taxes called FUTA taxes for employee payroll from 2005. When I called I found out there was more, they believed that I operated my business out of California even though I’ve only been to that state once in my life, I could not get them to understand otherwise.

So what’s my point? My point is that the way I was treated was so unprofessional and so harsh that the stress sent me into a tail spin and I ended up in the hospital (that story will come soon, I’m writing it now so stay tuned).

You see, I am to be ‘dealt’ with as far as this administration is concerned. So for those of you who think I’m some conservative hack and guys like me need to be dealt with, watch what you wish for. I’m sure that when the government is finished with guys like me, they’ll turn on you.

Remember, government does not create wealth and at some point those that wish to redistribute wealth will run out of other people’s money, that’s when they’ll come after yours.

BTW – I don’t owe the tax and I have proof. Do you think that matters to the IRS? The answer was and is a resounding …NO!...

Stay tuned for the unbelievable TRUE story of what happened when I called into IRS Customer Svc…. “Coming Soon”

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu

As I sit here today with my hospital mask over my face dodging the swine flu something occurs to me. We as Americans allow ourselves to be led around by the nose like a pack of wild animals.

Every time 4 people get sick from the same thing the media starts talking about a pandemic. While that is ridiculous enough on its own we believe it and start strapping on our masks. What is wrong with us?

As most of you are reading my writing for the first time I will tell you a little about myself. I am middle aged, conservative, a little crabby, and not very smart. That’s probably all you need to know I am a good counterbalance to my good friend and the very smart Michael Gross.

While Mike and I have had many discussions about many different subjects the one that always ends the evening is the media. We as Americans believe anything that is told to us.

While the majority of Americans are pretty smart one on one it has always amazed me how dumb we can be as a group. The swine flu is just an example there are many more. Let’s take the current market conditions in my opinion we were on the edge of a slippery slope waiting for a push.

The media started preaching the end of time is near what are we all going to do and us as a group stopped spending money. Well my friends sometimes things can be a self fulfilling prophecy.

For instance a middle income family the husband works for IBM the wife works at Lowes. Every weekend the two do projects around the house they go to Lowes and spend $100.00 a weekend on materials for their projects.

They can afford this 2 nice incomes well planned budgets they are doing well. All of a sudden the news comes on and says we are circling the drain hide the women, children, and cash.

So they do they stop spending the $100.00 a weekend and so do there neighbors because everyone fears they is going to be layoffs. Well Lowes has lost a big customer base and guess what the wife gets laid off now they can’t afford a mortgage and so on.

While I do believe the market is affected by profit forecasts and corporation decisions I also believe that in a capitalist society the markets are affected the most by capital and the ability to create it.

Capitalism is simple land, labor, and capital we have got lazy and the only thing we look at is capital. We have sent the land and the labor out of the country all we look at is capital. What is wrong with us?
Where is the entrepreneurial spirit that once had us starting lemonade stands, cutting grass and babysitting. Has anyone tried to get a kid to cut your grass lately they want $50 it’s all about capital.

In my opinion all we need to turn this economy and the country around is to stop looking for hand outs. Stop sending our jobs out of the country. Stop being scared every time chicken little runs by screaming the sky is falling.

Take our country back from the liberal’s who are taking us down the path of socialism. What business does the government have in GM, Chrysler, Bank of America, JP Morgan, and many others? The strong survive, it’s just a fact and it is better overall for the consumers to let it happen.

It might hurt for a minute but if we as a country need something there is always a new entrepreneur waiting to fill that need. So to end my little rant here whenever you hear something in the media instead of just running with the flock stop think about it, develop your own opinion and go with your gut.

As a matter of fact, what makes this country great is you can be an individual! Don’t allow yourself to be hearded with the masses. If we would all do this imagine how great our country could be.

Guest Author: Jason Ganzel – My brother-in-arms, cousin and compadre! Hope he didn’t offend anyone! LOL Mike.

Monday, April 27, 2009

As The World Turns

As The World Turns is a daytime drama that has been on for years. And as all soap operas are apt to do, the drama that unfolds on a daily basis is so complex and drastic as to be unbelievable. Well the same can be said for the World Economy…

In America we woke up this morning to news that the Swine Flu has broken out in Mexico and Mexico City is like a ghost town. Luckily the epidemic has only spread into 5 states in the U.S. and outbreaks here have been minor.

We also learned that the British Pound-Sterling will stay that way for quite some time. For better or for worse (I think for the better) the Brits will not acquiesce and diminish their economy even further by joining the EU and converting their currency to the Euro.

And yes, there’s even more world wide news, seems that China is developing even closer ties with Taiwan while property prices in Hong Kong are making a huge comeback.

So, why do I report all of these things going on around the world? It’s because they affect our bond market which ultimately affects the flow of capital and the interest rates we pay.

Weak Economies Follow the Strong

Several months ago I wrote a blog titled ‘And So Goes the World.’ The point of the article was that as our economy experienced ups and downs, the world’s economy follows right along.

I wrote that article because many of the more liberal financial journalists were decrying our capitalist system and pointing to the strength of the EU and China and implying that their economic systems were superior to ours. In truth, these journalists with an agenda were wrong.

We don’t live in a vacuum and neither do our trading partners. Many bemoan the fact that America consumes so much, but we consume because our economy is so strong. What is happening to the world economy right now is a direct result of our economy losing it’s ability to consume.

So where is all this heading this morning? I’m not trying to make a political point here, I’m making a statement of fact. Property values in Europe have fallen and their banks are a mess. Their economic cycle follows ours by about 12-18 months.

Next it’s the BRIC economies …Brazil, Russia, India and China… These economies follow ours with a 20-24 month lag.

Stabilization is the Next Step

In the US we have seen a recent stabilization of property values and in the economy overall. Things may still be trending downward but not at as rapid a pace. The same is starting to happen in Europe, however, they still have a few big hits before they get to where we are.

But, China and the other BRIC nations are just starting to feel the heat. Remember earlier in this article I mentioned that property values in Hong Kong were on the rise? That’s because Hong Kong is one the few places in the world where the economy is somewhat insulated.

Their tax system (a consumption tax akin to the Fair Tax) has made the economy very insulated over the years. They follow patterns similar to the US so now that China is feeling the squeeze money is moving from China to Hong Kong!

What does all this mean to us …US…? It means this. We are getting close to the end of our economic down turn. Nobody knows if growth will be robust or sluggish, but that’s not the point. The point is we probably have one more big-hit coming and then we stabilize.

Ferocious Entrepreneurial Spirit!

This also proves another point. Many left-leaning ideologues would have us believe that capitalism can’t work without highly restrictive government oversight. But, they are wrong, capitalism works in spite of highly regulatory environments.

If you look at the data you will find that the government actions did very little to stop our precipitous fall. Some will argue that the TARP helped save banks, but did it really? Not all of the TARP money was even used.

The government still has hundreds of billions in unspent TARP money and the banks have stabilized. A very, very small percentage of the pork-filled, ear-mark laden, $800 billion dollar stimulus package has hit the economy. Yet, we are stabilizing.

The correction of the bubble in the economy was due to normal business cycles within the world wide Capitalist economy. No the ferocious entrepreneurial spirit will turn the American and World economies around despite the best efforts of central governments around the world and NOT because of them and their actions!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Lending Lies

There is a great new show on Fox called Lie To Me. In the show the main characters are experts at facial expressions. They can literally tell when someone is lying by the look on their faces. Pretty amazing and fun to watch.

I wish I could get the bank execs in the room with these experts. Here's why, the banks say they are lending, but are they really? The truth is that many banks have increased lending but at a paltry rate.

Bank of Americas recent revelation that they earned a profit of almost $4 billion dollars in the last quarter was quickly quashed and the ‘real’ number was reduced to $2.5 billion. But even that number may not be accurate.

B of A, Citi and other large banks would have us believe that these profits stem from an increase in lending to home owners, when the truth is that lending increased less than 2% over the same period last year. So where did the profits come from?

The profits came from thin air. As reported in a very eye opening article on, much of the banks profits were driven by the TARP money they received. With TARP plugging gaps in the banks balance sheets, huge write downs allowed by larger banks swallowing up smaller failing banks and additional relaxed accounting rules allowed by regulators, the banks all of the sudden look very strong.

But that’s not the real story. The real story is this, banks aren’t lending for good reason. After years of excess and easy money the banks have learned their lesson and their hording their cash to protect them from further market turmoil.
In a recent quote in The Wall Street Journal, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke talked about the need for more education about credit by addressing the inequities in wealth between whites and minorities.
He stated: "Part of it has to do I think with financial education," Mr. Bernanke told students at the historically black college. "There needs to be broader understanding in minority communities … about the importance of saving and building a credit record."
In my opinion Mr. Bernanke missed the point. This is more than a white vs. minority issue. He could have just said; There needs to be a broader understanding …and a core curriculum starting in grade school that teaches… the importance of saving …money… and building a …good... credit record. (the bold comments are mine.)

Additionally, I still hold to my belief that America needs to change our economy from a spending based econ to a savings based economy. Some have argued that this will limit growth and achievement.

Those that argue against a savings based economy miss the point completely. All a savings based economy refers to is an economy where the pace of credit spending does not outpace the rate of earned income and savings.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Danger, Danger Will Robinson

It seems like I’ve been running around like that silly, bubble headed robot from the 1960’s ‘sci-fi drama’, Lost In Space! Danger Will Robinson, Danger!

Why have I been flapping my arms wildly about and pronouncing warnings for so long? It’s because our elected officials seem to have no concept of reality.

Little did I know that when I put the motto of my blog up; Cracked Up, Whacked Out and Completely Out of Control, how right I would be!

From our president who is proclaiming that we will unilaterally reduce our nuclear weapons arsenal while at the same time North Korea launches a test of an intercontinental missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead to him bowing at the waste to the so-called King of Saudi Arabia, we seem to have lost our since of pride.

Added on top of these foreign relations miscues are domestic issue missteps such as the bonuses for AIG execs that were approved by a Democratic congress and signed by the president. Did Senator Dodd and the President really believe we would believe them when they said they knew nothing … didn’t they write the bill?

Now we have the situation of an American Flagged ship being held hostage by pirates. This demands a quick and concise response from our government.

Now I hear the Obama Justice department has sent FBI negotiators to the seen as if this were a criminal action. It is not, it is a war. I hear the DOJ wringing their hands over what to do and it sickens me.

‘We haven’t had to deal with this for 200 years…’ bla,bla,bla. Can someone help me out here, how do we deal with scum bags when we have a Navy ship in the area?

Can anyone say; Navy Seals? How about .50 cals and 5 inch deck mounted guns?

Negotiations my eye! In the old days we didn’t send out the constable to try to get Black Beard to stop terrorizing the Barbary Coast did we? Nope, we put a bunch of our war ships out to see and when we found him we blasted the heck out of him!

I’m fed up with the American Apology tour, the diminution of individualism and the fear of naming a ‘thing’ for what it really is because we might offend somebody. These pirates are thugs and terrorist and they deserve to be treated like we are at war with them!

This is NOT a police action. Let the military pop a few of the pirate support ships and put them on the bottom of the ocean and then see if this crap continues. Come on people, let me here a little H**L Yeah! (sorry, got a little carried away with that last part. LOL)

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

A Lesson on Greed

When you look around the world and see the haves and have-nots, does it make you wonder if this capitalist society filled with greed is injurious to the world?

A powerful question to be sure. I like the answer given by Milton Freeman and countless other modern day philosophers. Is there some benevolent benefactor within mankind that is so pure that they can order our society for us?

The answer is NO. When you look around the world, the truth is that the societies with a free enterprise system (capitalism) have the highest living standards on the planet. As a matter of fact the freest people have the best quality of life.

However, look at the world where governments restrict free trade and control societies. Their standard of living is squashed and the motivation to improve society is squandered.

Ah, but human nature is not abated. The leaders of these ‘controlled’ and closed societies are greedy. We need only look at the standard of living the leaders enjoy as compared to the poverty they force upon their populous. Is this not Greed?

The problem with heading towards socialism was best stated by Margaret Thatcher when she said that the problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.

But I think there is an even greater problem. When you look at the history of countries that trend towards Socialism and Communism you see what happens when men are entrusted with ultimate power.

Their Human Nature overtakes them and the next thing you know you move towards Totalitarianism. In a free trade, free enterprise, capitalist society with a Republic form or government, the market and the rule of law helps to minimize our human nature and acts as a checks and balance to human greed.

Sure, greedy people do succeed, but so do people those that aren’t greedy. In a capitalist system, the non-greedy can compete with the greedy and many times the non-greedy win. This creates a better society, not control by some authoritarian overseer.

Some would blame our current economic situation of the greed of capitalism, but the truth is that this situation was caused by poor government policy, shoddy oversight and mismanaged regulations.

In other words, this problem was caused by powerful politicians attempting to dictate to industry how they should operate.

Now the USA moves towards Socialist policies and I find it ironic that as our President visits his once vaunted campaign trail in Europe he is being met with cold shoulders and words of warning.

Even the once Socialist stalwart nations of Germany, France and Italy are now looking upon the actions of Barak Obama with disdain. They have publicly questioned the soundness of the Presidents push for governments to spend more money to get the world economy moving again.

What they are saying (without saying it) is that this has been tried before. They have tried it before …and…. IT DOES NOT WORK!

So I leave with this one question. If the great Socialist Utopias of Europe are not willing to go further down this path because they understand that it will only do more harm than good, then why are we the citizens of the freest nation on earth allowing our government to lead us this way?

Watch the video and learn… I welcome your opinion.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Winners and Losers Who Chooses

It's taken me a couple of days to completely absorb the fact that a sitting president just reached into the board room of a major corporation and fired the CEO. Notice I didn't say that the Board of Directors asked for the government’s assistance ...they didn't...

The news has been all over the place on this one, some say he needed to go. Others say the government shouldn't have this kind of power. Even others justify the action 'this one time' because of all the money given to the company to keep it afloat.

As is usual with me, I have a completely different take on the situation and it is one that hasn't dawned on many people yet. My question is not whether government should be in the business of firing CEO's of private companies.

My questions is have we crossing some precipice? Some invisible line that takes into a dark abyss where government decides which companies succeed and which should fail.

I know many will argue that this has gone on for years visa vie tax policy and regulations and I would agree. However, when this economic mess started in earnest and we allowed the Treasury and the Feds to save some investment banks while allowing others (Lehman Bros., Bear Stearns, etc.) to fail, we started down a slippery slope.

Now we are in full slide! It’s not just which banks should be saved and which should be allowed to fail, now it’s giving one company 30 days to fix a problem and allowing another 60 days. It’s firing a CEO and putting in another by dictation rather than a vote by the Board.

When the Obama administration announced that the government would stand behind the warranty of GM’s cars, they took an even greater step towards choosing winners and losers in this economy.

I ask one simple question, how is Ford to compete with GM (Government Motors) when Government Motors has billions of our Tax dollars funding it?

I admire Ford for recognizing its problems many years ago and setting out on a goal to fix them. I admire Ford for eschewing government hand outs and showing the rugged individualism and toughness that is genuinely American.

I am genuinely worried that we are on a destructive path here. When ‘BIG’ Government gets to choose the businesses that will be winners and the ones that will be losers, the people are bound to suffer.

I need only point to one example. Take a look at the history of England. You will see that at one time the government controlled all the car companies. You will also find out that there were waiting lists months and months long to get a new car.

So get ready, if government gets to choose the winners in this economy, you could be standing in a long line for your new GM, your new ‘free’ health care and maybe even your block of government cheese very soon!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Watch the Birdy

Recently in the news there was a lot of furor over AIG giving out millions in bonuses to some of it's top executives. I don't want to get into the argument of whether that was correct or not, I'm sure there are many opinions on both sides.

What I want to point out today is something that many of us missed. While the left hand was waving for our attention the right hand was doing something else that the dolts in the media didn't see.

While the spectacle of Chris Dodd stuttering uncontrollably as he tried to explain his way out of allowing the AIG bonuses without throwing the Obama administration and Timothy Geihtner under the bus was amusing. It served to dupe the one-sided media types.

What didn't get reported this weekend and last week was the fact that the Feds decided to throw and additional $1 Trillion dollars at the market and made an additional $6 billion dollar commitment to keep buying MBS (mortgage backed securities).

Sounds good right? What's so bad about that. Well I'll tell you. They don't have the money ...or should I say WE don't have the money to do this with. So the printing presses were pushed into full gear and just to top the bad news off with more bad news... ready...

We used the freshly printed money to buy our own debt. Now in the real world this is essentially like 'kiting' a check. You know, you go down to the bank and you deposit a check from your own account back into that account.

You don't really have an extra grand in the bank but for a brief while the books show that you do. The government just did that. I dare you to try it! They would nail you for fraud and throw you in the slammer for sure!

But the hypocrisy of all this nonsense is not the worst part. The worst part of all this is that we know, everyone with any common since and historical economic knowledge knows that printing money devalues the currency and leads to inflation.

Our only saving grace is that monetary policy with regard to printing new dollars has been relatively tight over the years and we are in a recessionary time, so maybe, just maybe we make it without getting dinged to hard this time.

It's scary out there. While things should start to improve, we won't see real improvement and wealth generation until the bureaucrats and blow-hards in Washington quit with their Tax & Spend ways.

America, this is our wake up call! We can't spend our way out of the mess this time. We need to save and our government needs to save along with us. It's time to STOP spending money we don't have.

That's my opinion, I welcome yours.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Economics 101 - Raising Taxes Helps Nobody!

When I have conversations with close friends who may not agree with my fiscal conservative political view, I am always struck by one fact. Many of their views are formulated by an understanding of economics as described by the media.

And when I watch the major news networks and see their talking heads, I’m dumbfounded that these guys don’t have any clue about economics or the things they are reporting on.

It’s understandable that a majority of our citizens don’t understand economics but it is unfathomable to me that reporters who are supposed to investigate the stories they report on don’t have a clue.

I am going to attempt to strip the politics out of my statement but some will never see the truth of what I am about to say. For those people who are so partisan that you can’t get your head out the sand and see the truth then you deserve the totalitarian government that will one day befall us all.

There once was a Republican President that was followed by a Democratic President and they both ruined our economy. The commonality between their presidencies was a progressive tax rate with a mid range tax above 38% and the top rate above 50%.

Both these presidents believed in price controls and caused a calamity on commodities prices and production. Both presidents policies caused high unemployment, high interest rates and out of control inflation. Who were they? Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter.

Further stripping away the politics from the economics of our country, there were two presidents, one Democrat and one Republican that lowered taxes, stripped away regulations and allowed the markets to work freely and the economy boomed. They were John F. Kennedy and Ronald Regan.

When we analyze the histories here we see that tax increases “on the wealthy’ or tax decreases “for the wealthy” has no sound economic strategy, it’s just pandering and populism to garner votes and power. The real story is that the way our progressive tax system works is not beholden to how we “feel” about the rich.

To read the rest of this post please visit my blog at

(BTW - Who defines who the rich are anyway? That’s a scary thought…huh?)

Here are the real facts of the matter. We don’t just live in the vacuum of a capitalist economy. Our capitalist economy is part of the world’s greater Capitalist economy.

The truth is that we can’t detach our economy from the world economy no more than we can tax the rich into oblivion and expect to be able to lift up the poor to a higher status. Ever since we took our economy off the gold standard we stopped employing a Static scoring methodology and moved to a dynamic scoring system.

So what does all this gibberish mean? It simply means that we can’t punish the rich without punishing everyone. Two presidents, one Democrat and one Republican, proved that raising taxes and imposing heavy regulations on a capitalist economy will kill the incentive and motivation to work and produce.

They proved that less money comes into the treasury because every thing just stops. They proved what Thomas Jefferson said about government. Government cannot create wealth, it can only redistribute other peoples wealth thereby destroying it.

These same two presidents also proved what Margaret Thatcher said; The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money. And a progressive tax system with a heavy handed government is very close to socialism.

Now on the other side of the equation we’ve had two presidents that employed a very different approach. One was a Democrat and the other a Republican and both lowered the tax rate to an optimum point to encourage, incentivize and motivate the populus.

These presidents created a robust economy and even with lower tax rates on ‘the wealthy’, they still managed to increase revenue to the treasury. This issue of whether to raise taxes or not has nothing to do with economics. If it did, we’d always keep taxes low.

No, the real issue is about feelings. Well, I for one am tired of feeling good about bleeding the rich for every red penny they have. I would much rather be happy because my own coffers are full and the economy is solid.

Let’s take the politics out of our discussion about taxation and let’s use real facts about how to get an economy moving and keep it growing. Higher taxes is not the answer!

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Obama Lied; The Economy Died

Obama Lied; The Economy Died

The title of this article is one powerful statement and I was in shock when I read it. It’s the title of an article written by a conservative author, Tony Blankley.

Before you cry foul! Remember that liberal Democrats used the saying Bush Lied; People Died as the center piece of an entire campaign, not just an article in a newspaper …much more incendiary rhetoric I’d say.

Blankly, playing on this same theme makes some very good points in his op-ed piece in the Washington Post. He posits that Obama ran as one ‘thing’ but is really another.

Take the Preisdents message of ‘change’ as example #1. Obama ran on the promise of change in Washington. His stated goal was a more civil tone and more bipartisanship.

However, what we see happening is Obama and his Democratic cohorts ramming legislation down the throats of the Republican minority. His side is using tricks like only issuing legislation in printed format (not electronic) and expecting thousands of pages to be digested and voted on in just days of review.

When legislation is opposed, the President says; ‘We were elected, it’s our turn.’ And when the Republicans decide not to vote for legislation they haven’t had time to review the Obama team calls them obstructionist.

What change? Sounds like the same ole Washington to me!

There’s more, Obama professed to be for fiscal responsibility and no ear marks. Here again he has lied. We have only to look at the huge stimulus package which was one giant earmark made into law and had nothing to do with stimulating anything!

Other examples of Obama’s lies exist as well. The omnibus spending package with over 8,000 earmarks in the billions of dollars is being pushed for passage. The President says its last year’s business, BUT, if that’s true then why wasn’t it passed last year.

This is another example of the big lie. Obama claims to have inherited the Deficit and he did inherent some of the deficit but in the two months since he’s been in office, he’s tripled the size of the deficit.

The constant, persistent and now accelerated growth in spending and government regulations is killing the markets and slaying our economy. Obama ran to the center as a fiscally conservative Democrat in order to get elected, what he’s become is a Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi tax and spend style liberal!

Obama Lied; The Economy Died; how very apropos.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Transparency Right?

Suffragette America: wham, bam, thank you mam’! Congratulations the recovery and reinvestment act is law!

Our government is borrowing and this bill is so freaking huge, both colossuses’ of Memnon couldn’t prop the thing between them if they tried. It’s ridiculous! Throughout the history of mankind this type of unchecked spending has collapsed societies.

While I am on the topic of ancient civilizations that no longer exist can I just scream out Rome! Thank you but I am dumbfounded by all of this and not in a good way. I can’t believe the people that are think certain aspects of this bill are good.

“Like, yo dude, I found an extra twenty-five dollars a week in my paycheck! It just appeared magically! Cool!” These knot heads don’t get it! Somebody will pay …all of us will pay… and we’ll pay and pay and pay!

Maybe it has all gotten to me but I see all of this borrowing as being a little like we have this giant drill and we’re boring through the earth. In the end we will pop out the other side and be siphoned into some impoverished third world nation but nobody will notice because it’s been such a slow downward spiral.

For many we are just nibbling on the sweet illusion of socialism but not quite ready for the commitment. Some are excited, some are exasperated and I just may be resigned to what is happening. Trust me I don’t want that and I am almost confident in saying that you don’t want to see it happen either, what a nightmare!

Now I know I am being a little rough on the new bill and some say we need to give it time. All I can say in my defense is that we’ve seen this before and it hasn’t worked. But this time we have ‘transparency’ so everyone can see what’s going on. Right? That makes it all different…

The seductress is Lady Transparency. She’s all dressed up for us and promises the fulfillment of our wildest fantasy, a government that is for the people, by the people and keeps the people free. A government with no corruption and where we can spend all this money and do ‘good’ for ALL people.

But underneath the seductive trappings is a two-timing tramp that is telling lies and stealing from us. You need proof, then just look at the new government web site, It’s one huge piece of Socialist propaganda. The so called transparency is fiction, read the fine print and the asterisk on the site. Transparency my a**!

Hold on America! I started this blog entry with a song so I’ll end with one. Back in the USSR, you don’t know how lucky you are boy, back in the, back in the, back in the USSR!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Shut Up and Get Out of the Way!

There ...I said it! The talking heads in the government need to just shut up and get out of the way. What gives me the right to be so pointed? Well I'll tell you.

I have a unique perspective, being one of the few people in the mortgage industry that didn't go gonzo and make loans to every breathing Jack that walked through my door. I didn't get rich off the housing boom and I wasn't part of the "problem."

I sit everyday watching the stock markets, analyzing the bond market and reading about the mortgage backed securities market trying to give my clients some direction about where interest rates are headed. Right when I think I see a trend developing, BAM! something happens that causes huge volatility in the market!

That 'something' that causes volatility and turns good markets into bad is usually very simple to identify. It is a press conference. Not just any press conference, it's usually a press conference by the President or one of his newly appointed minions.

Case in fact, on Tuesday, February 10, 2009, Sec. Tres. Geihtner has a press conference to announce how the Treasury plans to move forward to 'fix' the crisis, the markets tank and theirs huge volatility everywhere. It's not directional, it's just panic selling without solid trends. It's mindless and crazy.

So what's going on? Well the markets begin to settle and everyone is becoming comfortable. In many cases trends are forming and they are good trends, Whew! We can breath a sigh of relief right?

Wrong! Before a good trend has a chance to take hold and before the capitalism side of our capitalist economy can begin to do what it does, someone from the government announces some new spending, printing or borrowing plan that throws everything out of whack again.

The markets can fix themselves with some oversight and some slight tightening of regulations. But before a real fix can take hold two things have to happen!

One, the government has to Shut Up! Stop telling the markets what your going to do and start listening to what the markets are saying. Step two, is to supply the markets with what they say the need! THEN..... GET OUT OF THE WAY!

If the government officials would quit trying to get face time so they can claim credit for the fix then the fix would come a lot sooner. I for one am tired of seeing the people that got us in this mess claim that they have the fix to get us out.

And I dare you to tell me there's a whole new crowd in charge now and they didn't have anything to do with this mess, come on....I dare you... ;-)

Sunday, February 08, 2009

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Finally we might get some movement on solving the bank and mortgage mess! It is about time. I've always said if the problem is really bad loans then get them out of the system and everything will be fine.

Now we here that's exactly what might happen. New Tres. Sec., Timothy Gheithner has suggested the creation of a 'bad bank'. This bank would be an aggregator used to accumulate the loans that are in default, essentially removing them from banks books and getting them out of the system.

This 'bad bank' would absorb all of the delinquent assets and turn our banks back into 'good banks' again! Stupendous. But wait, here's the ugly part, there's not enough money left in the TARP fund to buy all the bad loans.

The answer might be to seek investment capital from the private sector. With enough government guarantees on returns, that money might come flowing in fast and furious. However, the real ugly part would be if the American tax payer were to be burdened further with those guarantees.

For now all we can do is take a wait and see stance on this. This is the most logical decision to be made by the Treasury since this whole thing started over two years ago.

Let's hope Timothy 'the dodger' Geithner is right. I think he is, it's what the economist I follow have been saying for a while ....and they are all conservatives so maybe they all got it right this time.

What? 'the dodger' comment above? What's that all about? Sorry, it's just my swipe at yet another Obama appointment where the appointee had a tax problem....but that's a subject for another blog isn't it.

Sorry, back to the subject at hand. If the Secretary of Tresury is correct on this one, the fix could be in and we might see our economy improve as early as the 4th quarter of this year.

But the recovery may still be blunted if the Democrats are successfully in Porking America again with this huge, over inflated, pork barrel, pig belly so called stimulus package. Again, we will all just have to wait and see.....zzzzz.....zzzzz..... Somebody wake me up when this nightmare is over please! ;-)

Friday, February 06, 2009

To One Sided

Okay, I just realized something. I've been to one sided. I'm bashing the so-called stimulus plan, referring to it as a huge chunk of pork. It really is nothing more than one giant 'earmark' written as a law.

But that's not the point I want to make today. Along come the Republicans and they band together and not a single Republican votes for the bill. They rant about the pork and they rave about the lie Obama supposedly told about working with both parties.

The one thing they don't do is offer any viable solutions themselves! Tax cuts is cannot be the end-all/be-all answer for the Republican Party every time their is an economic crisis. The answer must be radical change, but not in the way that the dems want. More spending is NOT the answer either!
These guys just don't get it! We need real change! Change, real change, would be the elimination of the tax code as we know it. You want to talk change, let's change our economy from a spending economy to a saving economy by installing the Fair Tax! That's real change.

Change would be the elimination of Corporate Taxes. Everybody talks a good game about bringing manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. but nobody is doing anything about it! Imagine if corporations didn't pay any tax at all! (well they don't really, we pay the tax in the form of higher prices on goods and services)
All that money would be enough to make up for the extortion large manufacturers pay to the Unions. That's CHANGE!

Nobody gets it. Obama hasn't changed anything yet, he's just changed who's in charge. We still have the same old politics. The Republicans need to quit complaining and start offering us something real.

Just pinning the bad ideas on the Democrats so that they get full credit when these ideas fail ...and believe me, they will fail... is not good for America. If Republicans want to be seen as more than obstructionist, then they need to propose real and radical change!

"Change we can believe in", it's what Americans thought we voted for, now can we get some please?!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Porked Again!

While the President lectures America's CEO's about excessive pay and the Vice Pres plays buddy-buddy with Al Gore, the Democratically controlled Congress voted to hand $93,000 to each and every member!

So the earmarking will stop under the Obama administration, right? Of course that's unless you take into consideration that the $800 billion stimulus is nothing but one HUGE earmark!

Now the Dems have found a new way around future earmarks, you need only look at their most recent actions. They just gave themselves $93,000 per congressman as pocket change.

It's being sold to us as 'a necessary increase to help out constituents'. Bull Sh%#! It's an earmark without being an earmark!

It has been intimated by the Vice President that its patriotic to pay taxes. It has been suggested by Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi that we all have to tighten our belts. So tell me something, why don't the politicians have to tighten theirs?

I thought we were going to get some leadership out of the Obama administration. Turns out we're all just getting Porked Again!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Here Today but Tomorrow? Not so much!

So the stimulus package is here! Yeah! The Dems are here to save the day. They intend to dump $800 billion dollars into the economy! That should get things moving again!

What? What do you mean only 3% of that money will make it into the economy over the next 18 months. Huh? How come 25% of the money isn't spent until 11 YEARS from now?

I'll tell you why, because ramming this particular spending package (notice I didn't call it a stimulus) through is nothing more than an attempt to create bigger government programs well into the future. This idea is as bad as the idea to stop charging payroll taxes on people making less than $50,000 per year.

You haven't heard much about how the tax break works because its a really, really bad idea as well. We all know that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are underfunded and virtually insolvent. We also know that the 'payroll' tax is what supposedly funds them.

So what's our solution to the problem? To have even less money come in to fund these programs? What?

We need a new program in America. We need to change this economy from a 'spending' economy to a 'savings' economy. We can't do that if the government keeps spending, spending and spending some more.

Taking away the payroll tax for some and not all is not the right step. The right step is scrapping the entire income tax system all together. Change our system to a consumption tax.

With a consumption tax, like the Fair Tax, every time someone buys something the government gets paid. Think about all those illegal aliens that burden our hospitals and school systems.

They would not be under the 'tax radar' anymore. They buy food, they pay tax. They buy gas, they pay tax. Heck, they buy anything, they pay a tax!

Our poorer citizens, you know the real Americans ....the ones that were born here or did the right thing and did what was necessary to stay here legally... those people would get a card to rebate them for the tax they paid!

That would transform our economy from spenders to savers! What's so wrong with that. There are many excuses why it can't be done, but those excuses are mostly made by politicians that would lose power and be forced to come up with REAL solutions to REAL problems.

Let's force the politicians to stop pitting us against each other based on whose wealthy and whose not and lets stop electing our politicians based on who will tax you less or who will rape the rich! It's time for a paradigm shift in the way we operate. Stop spending and save!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

To Big To Fail

There is a huge problem right now and it's about to cost the American economy even more money! It is the concept of 'to big to fail.'

That's what was said about Chrysler back in the late 80's when they received their first bailout in the form of a loan from the federal tax payer. That's what happened with the Savings & Loan bailout that created the Resolution Trust Corporation.

To big to fail? Didn't we learn our lesson? Now we're at it again. Banks that are to big to fail! The problem was the repeal Glass-Steagall Act and Clinton's signing of Grahm, Leach, Bliley which deregulated the banks, securities and insurance companies allowing them to compete with each other and even combine operations.

Now CitiGroup is 'un'grouping and Bank of America (who thought it would be a good idea to swallow up Countrywide Home Loans) is getting another infusion of capital from the Feds. We're talking tens of billions of dollars of our money!

Well, as I think about it, I guess it isn't our money yet. From what I understand the Feds have the printing press ramped up and ROLLING! The green stuffs flying off the presses faster than lemmings over a cliff! (excuse the obscure reference to a 1980's arcade game, but you know, I'm olde! LOL)

The point here is that we keep buying into this to big to fail concept. Now we're creating a situation where our debt is escalating from an already unfathomable high amount and the dilution of our currency may some day create hyper inflation!

It has to stop! Yes, there will be some pain. We have to remember that we have bankruptcy laws for a reason. It's so businesses can restructure.

The bottom line is that we need to restructure our entire economy. We need to change from a spending economy to a savings economy and the only way to do that is to leave this 'to big to fail' concept in the trash heap and change our tax system from an income tax to an embedded consumption tax like the Fair Tax.

I mean, what are we thinking? Do we believe the World will look at America and decide that we are to big to fail? Doubtful, they'll cheer while they watch our collapse. Time to wake up before we reach the point of no return. The we really do fail.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Taxes Must Be Voluntary?

Timothy Geithner is approved or as the next Sec. Tres. Who is Geithner? If you believe what many senators and congressmen and women have said about him, he's one of the most important appointees to be considered since the Carter Administration!

Geithner's resume is long and distinguished and it's true that he's not dolt. You don't get to be the President of the New York Region Federal Reserve without having some solid smarts!

But here's my problem. Mr. Geithner has had some tax problems, as in, he didn't pay them. That's right, he 'avoid' paying some taxes through an accounting error.

When pressured about how he managed to miss calculate his tax liability to the tune of more the $40,000, Mr Geitner was more than disingenuous. He blamed the mistake on the fact that he uses Turbo Tax to calculate his return and 'the program' must have missed something.

Here's the interesting thing, the mainstream media gave him a pass. His lofty stature and humongous brain are just to important to America in this critical time. So much for objectivity int he news media.

My problem with this entire situation is not that he miscalculated his tax burden by more money than many people make in a years time, my problem is with the nonchalance he displayed in dealing with the issue. I have a real problem with this 'big brain' not being able to figure out his taxes or at least being smart enough to understand that NONE of us can figure them out and that's why we have to pay others to do it for us!

Let's up their correct, let's hope his 'big brain' can get us out of this economic mess and the country moving again!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Exit Stage Right

For those of you who are part of the baby boom crowd you may remember Hanna Barbara's Snagglepuss cartoon. I used to love it when he would do something to get in trouble and say; "Exit! State Right!" and pewang! He was off the screen.

For some reason that memory makes me laugh. It reminds of a simple time in my life. It reminds me of when I was safe and didn't have to worry about anything.

As one president takes office another has 'exited, stage right'. To him our nation owes a debt of gratitude. Those of you who scoff at this comment and who laughed at V.P Dick Cheney in a wheel chair because he hurt his back moving boxes, I say grow up!

To those who booed the President Bush as he arrived at the inauguration ceremony and to those who joked and laughed about him on National T.V. (supposed objective journalist), I say grow up! You think you are being patriotic but your unprofessional and childish displays only prove your lack of objectivity.

I will concede that he was not the best President where the economy is concerned, however, we have not had a single attack on American soil since the horrific 9/11 attacks. He has taken the fight to an enemy that has attacked our nation for years and he has injured that enemy greatly.

So I say to President Bush and Vice President Cheney, THANK YOU! Our nation is safer because of your unwavering principles and because of your steadfast dedication to eradicating evil threats to keep this nation safe!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama in One Word... Amazing!

I am proud to be an American today! I proud for many reasons, to many to be able to list here today. Our new President has been inaugurated!

His speech was inspiring. He is one of the best orator since John Kennedy. His clear and concise message was one of hope for everyone in our country.

His message to the world was one of stern warning tempered with hope to help the worlds less privileged.

I loved our 43rd President. I admired his principled nature and the way that he did not waiver in his undying devotion to keep our nation safe.

No matter how much you hate President Bush, if you are truly honest, you cannot deny that our nation is safer today because of his willingness to have his name sullied while he did what he thought was right. But his time has come and gone and it now a new day and a new time.

Change is upon us and that change appears hopeful. All Americans should be proud today and everyone should put their differences aside and pray for the success of our new leader!

Monday, January 19, 2009

A Tribute to a King

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

In our nations great history, we started out with these words emblazoned on a piece of parchment. Our forefathers boldly presented this document, the Declaration of Independence to a despot that enslaved through high taxation and a self proclaimed 'divine right' to rule.

While our country was born on this proclamation, it's dream was never realized by all who lived on American soil. Many peoples were burdened with a very real slavery that was hidden from the light by the guise of States Rights.

This contradiction would be partly solved by a great man who would become president, Abraham Lincoln. Yet even the War between the States (the civil war) could not fully resolve the inequality that slavery in America had caused.

It would not be until many, many years later that a man would come along that could so capture a world with his message that we would all stand up and take notice. With his Christian teachings, his Gandhi type insistence on non-violent protest and his spell binding oratory, Doctor King inspired a nation to recognize a heinous truth.

As a nation we were forced to recognize our prejudice. Doctor King died for his cause, martyred by a mad man, but his legacy lives on. Today we honor a King, Doctor Martin Luther King.

Tomorrow, 46 years from his great speech in Washington, we honor his legacy as we inaugurate the first black man to become president of this once prejudice and dividend nation.

Even with all the economic problems and the anger and divisiveness and strife around the world; Today, on this very special day, I am proud to be an American!